Volunteer Requirements

Traveling Program: Each family is required to volunteer a minimum of 6 hours per season at a BPBA-sponsored event. We need a $240 Volunteer Deposit for each family, to be cashed only if the family fails to fulfill the expected 6 hours of volunteer work with a max of 12 hours per family. BPBA will shred the check after the family meets the volunteer commitment. Checks will be cashed for families that complete anything less than 6 hours of volunteer work. BPBA will then refund a prorated amount if a family partially fulfills the volunteer requirements. This check is collected at evaluations in September.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers for our traveling tournaments are critical to the success of the programs and for helping us reduce program costs. Traveling families have two opportunities to fulfill their volunteer commitment. These tournaments are usually in December and January, but sometimes dates vary based on gym availability. Check out the tournaments section on the site for specific dates.

  • 7th and 8th Grade Traveling tournament (Facility set-up and clean-up, Concessions, and Gate)
  • 4th,5th, and 6th Grade Traveling tournament  (Facility set-up and clean-up, Concessions, and Gate)
  • The association may offer helping with books and with the clock as another option. But in general, each team will be asked to help in these areas per tournament rules. Please help the coach out when asked.

How to Volunteer

We use the Dibs online volunteer tool for the Traveling tournaments to sign up for volunteer hours.

Can minors volunteer? High school players may sign up for the clock without parental assistance. Children under 16 are not allowed to handle any money at concessions. Children under 16 may assist a parent but may be asked to leave if the concession area becomes too congested.