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Travel Program

Welcome to the Basketball Association Travel Program Page!

Mission: The mission of the Belle Plaine Basketball Association (BPBA) is to provide all the youth who live in the Belle Plaine School District (ISD 716) attendance area the opportunity to gain experience and enjoy the game of basketball at their best competitive level.

Focus: Our coaches, assistants, and board members donate their time and talents to help provide athletic opportunities for the children participating in our basketball programs. We all focus on teaching basketball fundamentals, promoting team play, improving individual skills, and having fun to foster a life-long enjoyment of basketball.

Goal: We demand a high degree of ethical conduct by all its coaches, players, volunteers, and guardians to provide an excellent example for the community, the opponents, and its participants, thus helping their growth to adulthood.

Expectations: The BPBA strives to create a positive environment through positive reinforcement of fundamental skills and a competitive team atmosphere by following values and qualities that align with the Minnesota Youth Basketball Alliance (MYBA).